
Registered Massage Therapy

Evidenced based therapeutic massage.


Jasmine Ding R.Ac is a Registered Acupuncturist trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acupuncture in Canada. She also has 13 years of experience as a pediatrician in China. By treating the human body as a whole system and addressing the root cause of an issue rather than trying to address a symptom only, Jasmine’s techniques have shown great results in alleviating pain, reducing stress and anxiety. Her treatments also increase energy levels and blood flow, balance in the body and a patient’s overall sense of well-being. Her areas of expertise include pain alleviating (acute and chronic pain), injury care, musculoskeletal issues (sports injuries, back pain, sciatica), and reducing stress-related problems such as insomnia, anxiety, depression, and migraines. Jasmine is also good at using acupuncture to address digestive, hormonal issues and women’s health problems such as dysmenorrhea and menopause syndrome. Through the right combination of traditional techniques (TCM acupuncture, fire cupping, moxibustion), along with modern modalities (modern Fu’s subcutaneous needling which focusing on fascial stretch therapy, electro- acupuncture, and silicone cupping), Jasmine will work with her patients to enhance their mind-body connection in order to reclaim their health.

Jasmine Ding R.Ac is a Registered Acupuncturist trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acu... Read More

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Located at: UNIT 125, 8928 152 STREET , Surrey
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